Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch will knowingly sell only to farmers who have done their homework in regards to alpaca husbandry and who can provide adequate shelter and protection for their alpacas. Here are a few general guidelines that every potential alpaca owner should know up front:
- Alpacas are herd animals and can never be housed alone. Stress from living alone can cause ulcers, suppressed immune function, and even death. Alpacas do best in a group of at least three, and more is better. They feel safety in numbers and safety eases stress.
- Alpacas are NOT pets. They are semi-domesticated animals and, although they can become accustomed to humans, eating out of your hand and standing close to you, they do not generally like to be petted, held, or cuddled.
- Alpacas need shade in the summer and protection from the rain and cold in winter. A barn is necessary in snowy climates. Hyperthermia can cause death.
- Alpacas need to be shorn before the summer heat to get their heavy coats off.
- Alpacas are not like goats in regards to clearing vegetation. They are particular about what they eat and prefer tender pasture grass or hay. Shrubby plants are generally not appealing to them, and many weeds can be poisonous.
- Alpacas should NEVER be housed with horses or donkeys. There have been many instances of alpacas being kicked and killed by these larger, more powerful animals. Ask your vet before intermingling them with goats or sheep; many parasites, viruses and bacteria associated with goats and sheep can be deadly to alpacas.
While alpaca costs can range between $250 and $50,000 per animal, the cost of most alpacas falls between $3,000 and $10,000 per alpaca. Costs vary based on age, conformation, fiber quality, lineage, facial appearance, and personality. The higher the quality of any one characteristic, the higher the demand and the higher the cost of that alpaca.
Sires Currently for Sale

Good bloodlines!
Bijou Kobe’s Gold
Suri | Male | Proven | Light Rose Gray
ARI# 35233879 | D.O.B. 8/5/2015
Purchase Price: $2000
Stud Fee: $750
Sire: Kobe of PVA
Dam: GLR Atacama
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: Light Fawn
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 9/20/2021

Good bloodlines!
Bir’s Durango
Suri | Male | Proven | Dark Fawn
ARI# 35410867 | D.O.B. 6/17/2017
Purchase Price: $2000
Stud Fee: $750
Sire: MMALP Goldstar’s Bojack
Dam: Bir’s Chipeta by Silver Jack
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: Light Fawn
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 2/15/2023

Good bloodlines!
Bir’s Escalante
Suri | Male | Unproven | Bay Black
ARI# 35572909 | D.O.B. 8/1/2019
Purchase Price: $1000
Stud Fee: $500
Sire: Bir’s Troublesome
Dam: Bir’s Aurora by Accoyo Goldstrike
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: None
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 2/15/2023
Females Currently for Sale

XXshort XXdescription
HSR Gray Knight’s Peruvian Tinsel
Suri | Female | Proven | Medium Silver Grey
ARI# 31630528 | D.O.B. 10/19/2010
Purchase Price: $3500
Sire: ABF Eminance’s Gray Knight
Dam: IPSR Nirvana’s Karma
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: White
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 2/15/2023

XXshort XXdescription
SSilken’s Bright SStarr
Suri | Female | Unproven | Light Fawn
ARI# 35385011 | D.O.B. 9/9/2016
Purchase Price: $2500
Sire: Enigma of PVA
Dam: Winter’s Promise of Peru
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: None
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 9/20/2021

XXshort XXdescription
SSilken’s Jolly Holiday
Suri | Female | Proven | Dark Fawn
ARI# 35228981 | D.O.B. 7/3/2015
Purchase Price: $2500
Sire: Sierra Bonita’s Escalante
Dam: Sil Summer’s Morning Mist
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: None
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 2/15/2023
Teens Currently for Sale
(males younger than 3 years; females younger than 1 year)
XXshort XXdescription
Suri | XXsex | ProvenXxUnproven | xxColor
ARI# 32258646 | D.O.B. 5/8/2010
Purchase Price: $xx
Stud Fee: $xx
Sire: xxName| ARI# 20011826 | xxColor
Dam: xxName| ARI# 30871786 | xxColor
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: None
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 9/29/2019
Crias Currently for Sale
XXshort XXdescription
Suri | XXsex | ProvenXxUnproven | xxColor
ARI# 32258646 | D.O.B. 5/8/2010
Purchase Price: $xx
Stud Fee: $xx
Sire: xxName| ARI# 20011826 | xxColor
Dam: xxName| ARI# 30871786 | xxColor
xxExtended DescriptionXX
Secondary Color: None
Certificate | EPD/Histogram
Updated 9/29/2019
General Terms and Conditions
Every alpaca bought from Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch will have a written contract that is signed by seller and buyer at the time of purchase to protect both parties. In addition to an agreed-upon price (which may consist of a nonrefundable deposit as well as a total payment due), the contract will contain references to the following information:
- All sales are in $US and must be paid in full before animals may be removed from Shenanigans.
- Alpacas are sold “as is”—to the best of the sellers’ knowledge, per current or past medical advice, all alpacas are healthy, injury free, and capable of reproduction unless disclosed otherwise. Sellers shall be available for free consultation and advice as and when needed.
- Unless alternate plans are made, buyer is responsible for transportation or cost of transport. After purchase, animal may be boarded at Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch for a negotiated period of time (as agreed to by both parties); beyond that time, regular (or discounted, if agreed to by both parties) boarding fees will apply. During any boarding period, Shenanigans will continue to provide day-to-day care and routine attention to the purchased animal. In case of emergency, Shenanigans will use their best judgment in seeking care. Any documented expenses incurred during a boarding period will be billable to the buyer.
- If warranted and requested, a standard insurance examination along with a Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE) may be conducted by a qualified veterinarian, before purchase at the seller’s expense, with written copies of results provided to the buyer. Should either examination indicate genetic defects or other major health problems, the buyer may cancel a purchase within five days of the examination and obtain a full refund that includes any nonrefundable deposit. A more extensive independent examination may be made at the buyer’s direction and expense. Once an independent medical examination is completed, buyer foregoes any future claim that the animal is defective because of physical health conditions.
- At the time a contract is signed by both parties, responsibility for any stated animal transfers to the buyer—this includes financial responsibility. It is the buyer’s responsibility to obtain a “full mortality” insurance policy or to attest that they are acting as their own self-insurer; proof of either action must be provided in writing before final signatures are attached to any contract for purchase and before animals will be released to a buyer. The buyer also agrees that his or her sole remedy for death or injury to the purchased animal while it remains in the care of Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch is to seek reimbursement by making a claim under the terms of any insurance policy they have acquired; if buyer fails to acquire such insurance and hence acts as his or her own self-insurer, they shall be deemed to have waived any claim against Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch and its owners and agents both as to mortality, and also as to any injury, damage, or any event causing a loss of value of the alpaca that may occur. Buyer also agrees to hold the sellers harmless from any claim resulting from damage or injury caused by the alpaca to any person or other animal. Finally, buyer agrees to pay any attorney’s fees, costs, or expenses incurred in defense of such claims.
- Males will be identified (and priced) as proven or unproven; females will be identified (and priced) as fertile or sterile, to the best of the sellers’ knowledge. Sales papers will warrant that an animal is anatomically complete and capable of breeding and producing live offspring. If, after the buyer has examined and accepted an animal “as is” at the time of purchase, problems arise within three months of starting to breed a male, Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch will work with the buyer’s vet to determine that the male is no longer able to breed; in such a circumstance, Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch will exchange him for a similar quality male. Likewise, given the same conditions in a female sold as pregnant, Shenanigans Alpaca Ranch will guarantee a live-birth cria, sustained for 24 hours; should the current pregnancy terminate or produce a cria who lives less than 24 hours, Shenanigans agrees to rebreed that female, at no breeding charge, with buyer’s choice of the seller’s available herdsires. Rebreeding does not include board, ultrasound, or other related breeding expenses.
- Shenanigans warrants that the alpaca’s genealogy is correct, to the best of the owners’ knowledge, as set forth on his or her ARI Registration Certificate and that the alpaca’s medical and reproductive records are authentic and correct. In addition, seller warrants that title to the animal is free and clear of any liens, encumbrances, security interests, or other impediments of any kind and agrees to indemnify and hold the buyer harmless from any claim of third parties to right of possession, encumbrance, lien, security interest, or title to the animal. Unless agreed otherwise, seller will relinquish ownership and title to the buyer upon completion of total payment; buyers then assume responsibility for transferring registration of alpacas to their own name.
- In order to obtain the benefit of expressed guarantees and warranties made part of a contract, buyers agree, at a minimum,
- to furnish a safe environment—with fencing and housing that prevents predators from entering pasture or pen—and proper shelter from wind and cold;
- to ensure proper watering, feeding, and nutritional practices that sustain a healthy condition for animals and prevent dehydration, starvation, or obesity;
- to provide reasonable care to the alpaca using standard accepted practices of camelid veterinarian care that include efforts to avoid heat stress, including shearing in the spring and providing shade from the sun, as well as strides to prevent overbreeding; and
- to maintain accurate and complete records of all care and breeding efforts of the animal.
- LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: Under normal conditions, the sole remedy for breach of warranty is replacement of an alpaca with an alpaca of equal value. Buyer releases all other rights and remedies and holds seller otherwise harmless.
- WAIVER OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES: Implied warranties of merchantability, fitness, and suitability for a particular purpose are waived. In lieu of any implied warranties, animals will sell with a written warranty, with specific rights and remedies in a signed contract and no others. Except as set forth therein, buyers will accept animals in the condition existing at the time of purchase. No additional guarantees or warranties shall be provided by seller beyond those expressly stated. Sole remedies are those agreed to by both parties.
- DISPUTES: In the event of a potential lawsuit or other legal action arising directly or indirectly out of a contract for an agreed sale, written notice shall be delivered by the instigating party to the other within 60 days of any alleged breach of warranty or other contested situation. Legal proceedings shall take place at a determined venue in the City of Brighton or County of Adams in the state of Colorado; the laws of same apply.